Annual indicators of household budgets for Australia, Japan, Canada and USA from 1995-2016.


Time series of class tsibble.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (


hh_budget is an annual tsibble with six values:

Debt:Debt as a percentage of net disposable income.
DI:Annual growth rate of disposable income.
Expenditure:Annual growth rate of expenditure.
Savings:Savings as a percentage of household disposable income.
Wealth:Wealth as a percentage of net disposable income.
Unemployment:Percentage of unemployed in the labour force.

Each country is uniquely identified by one key:

Country:The country of the series.


#> # A tsibble: 88 x 8 [1Y]
#> # Key:       Country [4]
#>    Country    Year  Debt     DI Expenditure Savings Wealth Unemployment
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1 Australia  1995  95.7 3.72          3.40   5.24    315.         8.47
#>  2 Australia  1996  99.5 3.98          2.97   6.47    315.         8.51
#>  3 Australia  1997 108.  2.52          4.95   3.74    323.         8.36
#>  4 Australia  1998 115.  4.02          5.73   1.29    339.         7.68
#>  5 Australia  1999 121.  3.84          4.26   0.638   354.         6.87
#>  6 Australia  2000 126.  3.77          3.18   1.99    350.         6.29
#>  7 Australia  2001 132.  4.36          3.10   3.24    348.         6.74
#>  8 Australia  2002 149.  0.0218        4.03  -1.15    349.         6.37
#>  9 Australia  2003 159.  6.06          5.04  -0.413   360.         5.93
#> 10 Australia  2004 170.  5.53          4.54   0.657   379.         5.40
#> # … with 78 more rows