Economic indicators featured by the World Bank from 1960 to 2017.


Time series of class tsibble


global_economy is an annual tsibble with six values:

GDP:Gross domestic product (in $USD February 2019).
Growth:Annual percentage growth in GDP.
CPI:Consumer price index (base year 2010).
Imports:Imports of goods and services (% of GDP).
Exports:Exports of goods and services (% of GDP).
Population:Total population.

Each series is uniquely identified by one key:

Country:The country or region of the series.


#> # A tsibble: 15,150 x 9 [1Y]
#> # Key:       Country [263]
#>    Country     Code   Year         GDP Growth   CPI Imports Exports Population
#>    <fct>       <fct> <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 Afghanistan AFG    1960  537777811.     NA    NA    7.02    4.13    8996351
#>  2 Afghanistan AFG    1961  548888896.     NA    NA    8.10    4.45    9166764
#>  3 Afghanistan AFG    1962  546666678.     NA    NA    9.35    4.88    9345868
#>  4 Afghanistan AFG    1963  751111191.     NA    NA   16.9     9.17    9533954
#>  5 Afghanistan AFG    1964  800000044.     NA    NA   18.1     8.89    9731361
#>  6 Afghanistan AFG    1965 1006666638.     NA    NA   21.4    11.3     9938414
#>  7 Afghanistan AFG    1966 1399999967.     NA    NA   18.6     8.57   10152331
#>  8 Afghanistan AFG    1967 1673333418.     NA    NA   14.2     6.77   10372630
#>  9 Afghanistan AFG    1968 1373333367.     NA    NA   15.2     8.90   10604346
#> 10 Afghanistan AFG    1969 1408888922.     NA    NA   15.0    10.1    10854428
#> # … with 15,140 more rows