Historical stock prices from 2014-2018 for Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple. All prices are in $USD.


Time series of class tsibble


Yahoo Finance historical data


gafa_stock is a tsibble containing data on irregular trading days:

Open:The opening price for the stock.
High:The stock's highest trading price.
Low:The stock's lowest trading price.
Close:The closing price for the stock.
Adj_Close:The adjusted closing price for the stock.
Volume:The amount of stock traded.

Each stock is uniquely identified by one key:

Symbol:The ticker symbol for the stock.


#> # A tsibble: 5,032 x 8 [!]
#> # Key:       Symbol [4]
#>    Symbol Date        Open  High   Low Close Adj_Close    Volume
#>    <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 AAPL   2014-01-02  79.4  79.6  78.9  79.0      67.0  58671200
#>  2 AAPL   2014-01-03  79.0  79.1  77.2  77.3      65.5  98116900
#>  3 AAPL   2014-01-06  76.8  78.1  76.2  77.7      65.9 103152700
#>  4 AAPL   2014-01-07  77.8  78.0  76.8  77.1      65.4  79302300
#>  5 AAPL   2014-01-08  77.0  77.9  77.0  77.6      65.8  64632400
#>  6 AAPL   2014-01-09  78.1  78.1  76.5  76.6      65.0  69787200
#>  7 AAPL   2014-01-10  77.1  77.3  75.9  76.1      64.5  76244000
#>  8 AAPL   2014-01-13  75.7  77.5  75.7  76.5      64.9  94623200
#>  9 AAPL   2014-01-14  76.9  78.1  76.8  78.1      66.1  83140400
#> 10 AAPL   2014-01-15  79.1  80.0  78.8  79.6      67.5  97909700
#> # … with 5,022 more rows