Quarterly estimates of selected indicators of manufacturing production in Australia.


Time series of class tsibble.


Australian Bureau of Statistics, catalogue number 8301.0.55.001 table 1.


aus_production is a half-hourly tsibble with six values:

Beer:Beer production in megalitres.
Tobacco:Tobacco and cigarette production in tonnes.
Bricks:Clay brick production in millions of bricks.
Cement:Portland cement production in thousands of tonnes.
Electricity:Electricity production in gigawatt hours.
Gas:Gas production in petajoules.


#> # A tsibble: 218 x 7 [1Q]
#>    Quarter  Beer Tobacco Bricks Cement Electricity   Gas
#>      <qtr> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1956 Q1   284    5225    189    465        3923     5
#>  2 1956 Q2   213    5178    204    532        4436     6
#>  3 1956 Q3   227    5297    208    561        4806     7
#>  4 1956 Q4   308    5681    197    570        4418     6
#>  5 1957 Q1   262    5577    187    529        4339     5
#>  6 1957 Q2   228    5651    214    604        4811     7
#>  7 1957 Q3   236    5317    227    603        5259     7
#>  8 1957 Q4   320    6152    222    582        4735     6
#>  9 1958 Q1   272    5758    199    554        4608     5
#> 10 1958 Q2   233    5641    229    620        5196     7
#> # … with 208 more rows