PBS is a monthly tsibble with two values:

Scripts:Total number of scripts
Cost:Cost of the scripts in $AUD


Time series of class tsibble


Medicare Australia


The data is disaggregated using four keys:

Concession:Concessional scripts are given to pensioners, unemployed, dependents, and other card holders
Type:Co-payments are made until an individual's script expenditure hits a threshold ($290.00 for concession, $1141.80 otherwise). Safety net subsidies are provided to individuals exceeding this amount.
ATC1:Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical index (level 1)
ATC2:Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical index (level 2)


#> Attaching package: ‘tsibble’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#>     intersect, setdiff, union
#> # A tsibble: 67,596 x 9 [1M]
#> # Key:       Concession, Type, ATC1, ATC2 [336]
#>       Month Concession   Type        ATC1  ATC1_desc ATC2  ATC2_…¹ Scripts  Cost
#>       <mth> <chr>        <chr>       <chr> <chr>     <chr> <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1991 Jul Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   18228 67877
#>  2 1991 Aug Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   15327 57011
#>  3 1991 Sep Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   14775 55020
#>  4 1991 Oct Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   15380 57222
#>  5 1991 Nov Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   14371 52120
#>  6 1991 Dec Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   15028 54299
#>  7 1992 Jan Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   11040 39753
#>  8 1992 Feb Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   15165 54405
#>  9 1992 Mar Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   16898 61108
#> 10 1992 Apr Concessional Co-payments A     Alimenta… A01   STOMAT…   18141 65356
#> # … with 67,586 more rows, and abbreviated variable name ¹​ATC2_desc